Whether you live in the Toulouse area, were born there or simply because it is a region that is close to your heart, the Urban Maps of the TOULOUSE collection are for you.
From the map of your favorite neighborhood, EmYLo creates original and colorful illustrations. They are hand-drawn with black ink, then colored with gouache, markers or watercolor.
All the districts of downtown Toulouse are on sale on the online store, available in Posters, Mugs or Postcards. Thus, you will discover the Capitole, Saint-Etienne, les Carmes, Saint-Cyprien but also Arnaud-Bernard and many others.
For those who can't choose, the Toulouse Urban Card is ideal.
Great gift ideas for all occasions and for all Toulouse residents !
And if you can't find your neighborhood, EmYLo also makes personalized cards for which you choose the place and the color palette.